Shakkar para -Kind of Crispy biscuits, Vegan Indian sweets


  • Ghee or butter 1cup
  • Water                1cup
  • Sugar                 2cups
  • Salt                     1tbs
  • Enough Plain flour to make a soft and non-sticky dough 
  • Enough oil to fry 


Step 1- Get a pan and add sugar, ghee/butter, water. Let sugar to dissolve in water and ghee. 

Step 2- Let this mixture to cool down to the room temperature and add salt.

Step 3-  Gradually add plain flour and make a soft dough. Leave it 15 min. to rest

Step 4- Do not add additional flour to roll up the dough. Roll the dough to the medium thick sheet and cut into small pieces (See the picture). Generally, people cut into squares but, I prefer this method because that didn't take much time to prepare this sweet. If you are busy women, you can make these as your family tea time snacks and it doesn't take that much long. 

Step 5- At the end, you can deep fry the small pieces. Now your sweets are ready. You can store them in the air-tight container and keep it up to 10-14days. 

Thank you 💓
