Tips for easy cooking for working women

Tips for easy cooking for working women

No1- Do not exceed number of utensils 
Always try to survive with minimum resources because, it prevents you from unnecessary washing. 

No2- Keep basic ingredients ready in advance.
Most of Sri Lankan cooking includes with mix of onions, garlic, ginger, chilies and curry leaves. After you decide what you are going to prepare today, estimate the quantity of onion, garlic, ginger and curry leaves that may you need for your cooking. Before you start cooking keep these ready by your side. 

Next important ingredient is coconut milk. you can use ready-made coconut milk, if not keep fresh coconut milk enough for every two days. Then you don't need to prepare them in daily basis.  

No3- Do not wait till the last minute for washing
Once you finished with one utensil, wash it, dry it and store it. 
Do not fill your wash basin with dirty pots 😈 Because, if you see loads of pots in-front of you, you will be really exhausted !
So be careful, by this time you are tired from your office work and you just need to finish with this cooking and get relaxed with your family. 

No4- Always keep your kitchen clean
It is beneficial for you to keep your kitchen clean and tidy. You can dispose your garbage accordingly. For that keep a container next to your chopping board and at the end put your bin out. It saves you walking up and down in the kitchen. 

No5- Precaution with online cooking blogs 
You can experience that, variety of cooking methods for the same recipe which has been published by different individuals. That is great! lot of experiences you can find online but, you need to be careful if you decided to get inspired from online baking recipes. Because they tend to mention different quantities of baking powder, baking soda, water and baking temperature based on their environmental factors such as room temperature, humidity and etc... 

For your ease try to get inspired from Asian bloggers/Youtube channels if you remain in Asia and still you need to bake a cake or something. However, if you are staying in Europe or USA (somewhere with cool room temperature<37'C) try to get inspired from that regional cooking bloggers' experiences. Definitely they are using right amount of baking soda, baking powder and suitable temperature.

Maybe you never realize this point before, But This tip could be a reason to have a perfect baking.

No6- Be smart
Never rely on just a one online blog or you-tube channel. At least, watch three demonstrations. Observe how they did it, note the differences between the demos and try to fit in with your requirements and cook in sensible way 💓
